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  1. Where does Vitawell deliver to & how much does it cost?
    Vitawell delivers islandwide and shipping is calculated based on the weight of your order and the distance. Please refer Delivery & Shipping for more information.

  2. How long does it usually take for an item purchased online to be shipped?
    We strive to deliver orders within 3-4 working days. Please refer Delivery & Shipping for more information.

  3. Which couriers do you use for your deliveries?
    We use AceExpress for our deliveries as they have experience in effectively handling deliveries on this nature.

  4. Can I track my order?
    When you make an online purchase you will receive an e-mail with a tracking number which would help you to receive information regarding your order(s) from the relevant courier company.

  5. What if I am not present to receive the package?
    The courier company will call you before delivering your order. If you are not available to receive the package at the specified delivery address or do not continuously respond to the given contact number, you will have to pick up your package from the relevant courier company or the Vitawell store.

  6. What payment methods do you accept online?
    We currently accept Amex and will have Visa &MasterCard Debit & Credit cards online within the coming few weeks. We also have Cash on Delivery as a payment option for convenience.

  7. Can I order items online that I saw in-store?
    In most cases, we will have what you saw in-store, online, in which case you can place an order based on availability. However, sometimes, we may only have certain items online, in which case you will need to order within the available choice.

  8. Can I purchase items in-store that I saw online?
    You can check in-store if that particular item is available. Often certain items online are part of our exclusive web collection and are only available for purchase online.

  9. Why do I need to sign-up to make an online purchase?
    Registering with us helps speed up the ordering process for you and allows you to keep track of your orders. It also assists in re-ordering as we maintain a record of your previous purchases